Euro Electric Tour * – grand electric car tour, more than 25 countries, from Paris to Brussels via Oslo, Helsinki, Athens, Lisbon, Dublin…!
Before leaving :
Discover and share Europe by going to meet him, by electric car!
While the preparation of this journey begins, the remarks fuse: in electric, it is not possible! there are no pumps! why not with a diesel, so practical, available and economical!

To cross Europe by dumping diesel exhaust that even the World Health Organization confirms as carcinogenic, is it reasonable?
Electric cars generate much less nuisance to use. With the improvement of their construction, reloading and recycling, they can conquer the world!
To date few are able to perform more than 100Km without recharging, but we are in the 21st century! Electricity is everywhere and more and more produced from renewable sources. It powers our lighting, our toys, our kitchen, our mobiles, our bikes, our stores, our trains, our businesses, our computers and the Internet!

Okay, but finding an accessible plug several hours every 100km is not realistic!
With an average distance of 160Km per day, it is possible! With a Tesla S it will be a reality: with its fast chargers present in several countries, its autonomy exceeding the actual 400Km and public chargers, the number of additional takes become reasonable.
However it is difficult to have a Tesla S for a few months. Long-term and long-term rental offers, often for 3 years, are not suitable, not to mention constraints such as “can only be used on the territory of metropolitan France”.

A partnership with a company offering Tesla S rental would allow the rented vehicle to circulate in Europe during the few months of the project. A discussion already started can allow a departure before the summer, during the European Week of Sustainable Energy (15 to 19 June)!
Let’s speed things up, show your interest, follow and participate in the adventure! Discover this territory of great diversity, both human and geographical. With its landscapes, its villages and cities, to meet the inhabitants, artists, associations, companies, local actors, travelers, … partners without whom this tour would not be possible.
Why 25 countries?
This number represents more than half of the geographical Europe which counts more than 40 countries. Are we able to quote 25 already?
According to you among these 5 countries Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Iceland and Serbia how many belong to the European Union?
The history of Europe is a succession of divisions, of inhuman waste but also of cultural, scientific and human conquests. For the past fifty years, associations have reduced tensions, improved exchanges, here are some that answer the previous question:
– 19 members: Euro zone, a currency
– 26 members: Schengen Area, a border
– 28 members: European Union, “United in diversity”
– 31 members: European Economic Area, composed of the EU (excluding Croatia in progress) as well as Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland
– 47 members: Council of Europe, a protection of rights. Including EU members, Andorra, Serbia, …
Through this challenge, let’s rediscover the Europe of today in electric and prepare the one of tomorrow!

Serge R, 18 European countries visited, 4 languages spoken, roads-trips in America, Australia, Europe and also Africa on the occasion of an eco-volunteering, fan of beautiful landscapes, innovative projects, museums, exchanges, tradition and modernity, …
The number of people participating is increasing and will cover Europe in the coming months. Among them is a team of students preparing their own European Student Rally for VE Promotion. Proposals for partnerships, materials, financing, services, or media like Tesla-Mag are welcome! (Contact: via the website)

EET map, Europe, by Serge R, March 2015 (found map:–pbKC0113688/)
Motorway, Graz Region, Austria, picture by Serge R, May 2014
Nature, Graz Region, Austria, picture by Serge R, May 2014
Tesla S, Oslo, Norway, photo by Serge R, January 2014
Serge R, Marcoussis, France, March 2015
Serge R, Monaco, June 2014